Breast Cancer and Genetics: Understanding Your Risk Factors and Options for Testing

brest cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most challenging ailments that affect several people globally. It is known for its genetics, which is crucial in announcing breast cancer risk. So you need to understand the genetic risk factors and the alternatives available for testing as it plays a vital role in managing your health. Under this guide, you can learn everything about breast cancer, its genetics, and its symptoms.

What are your genetic risk factors for breast cancer?

Genetic risk factors for breast cancer include some mutation in some of your genes inherited from the older generation. These mutations or changes are likely to enhance the likelihood of an individual developing breast cancer by changing the standard performance of your genes. These genes play a crucial role in regulating your cell growth and preventing tumor formation. Different genes are known for enhancing the risk of breast cancer, like brca one brca 2 TP53 besides pten. Depending on the genes causing breast cancer, the breast cancer symptoms can also vary.

Some of the most prominent well-known breast cancer risk genes include BRCA1 and B RCA 2. Mutations that are present in these genes enhance the risk of developing the risk of breast cancer besides other cancers like ovarian cancer or prostate cancer. Inheriting any of these genes from one of your parents can lead to a 50 to 80% of lifetime risk of developing breast cancer, and it all depends on the specific mutations in some other genes like TP53 or PTEN that are not that prominent. Still, they can also somewhat enhance the risk of breast cancer.

How do genetic risk factors impact your breast cancer risk?

Genetic risk factors can have a significant impact on your breast cancer risk. When you inherit a mutated gene from a parent, your likelihood of developing breast cancer can increase compared to people without any mutation. Mutation impacts on breast cancer risk are likely to vary from one person to another, and it all depends on the type of mutation and factors like age, gender, and family history.

If you are worried about the genetic risk of developing breast cancer, then you can go for genetic testing that can help you learn everything about the risk results. Before you go for breast cancer testing, you must know about breast cancer symptoms.

Breast cancer symptoms

Common breast cancer symptoms

  • you might notice a lump in your breast or underarm that does not go away quickly. It is basically the first symptom of breast cancer. The doctor might recommend you go for a mammogram long before you can even feel it. It is one of the most common breast cancer symptoms that you should know about.
  • Swelling in your armpit can mean breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in that area. Swelling might start before you even feel a lump, and it is one of the breast cancer symptoms you should not ignore.
  • Pain and tenderness can be there even though lumps do not usually hurt. You would feel that something is pricking Which is one of the breast cancer symptoms.
  • A flat or indented area on the breast can happen because of a tumor that you cannot see or feel.
  • Breast changes like the difference in the size, contour, texture, or temperature of the breast.
  • There can be unusual nipple discharge. It can be transparent or another color.

Breast cancer causes

Experts might know some breast cancer causes as it generally happens when the breast cells start growing abnormally. These cells end up dividing rapidly as compared to healthy cells and also accumulate continuously, forming a lump or mass the breast cells might spread through the breast or to the lymph nodes. Depending on how the cells are growing, the breast cancer causes also differs.

Inherited breast cancer

Inherited breast cancer is one of the common breast cancer causes as generally they are linked to the gene mutations passed through generations in a family. The number of inherited genes that can enhance the likelihood of breast cancer can easily be identified. If you have a strong family history of breast cancer, the doctor might recommend a blood test to help in identifying the specific mutations in BRCA or other genes which are passed through the family. You need to connect with your doctor for a referral or a genetic counselor who can review the family history. A genetic counselor can help you learn about breast cancer’s causes and how you can get treated for the same.

Preventing breast cancer

After understanding breast cancer reasons, it is high time for you to know how to prevent it. You need to ask your doctor about breast cancer screening and discuss with the expert when to get the tests done. At the same time, you should be familiar with your breasts through a breast self-exam for breast awareness. Exercise most of the day to prevent breast cancer as one of the common breast cancer reasons is lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle.

Wrap up

Genetic counseling is also available. If you are worried about the genetic risk of breast cancer, you can connect with a counselor and learn about breast cancer’s causes and how you can prevent them.