49 Tips for Wedding Planning

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Marriage is the most important decision of life, so preparations for this big day should also be done with heart. If there is some time for the preparations before the wedding, then do it systematically. With this, you will be able to avoid the last-minute flurry and enjoy the wedding.

six months ago

  1. Create a wedding planner. Together with the family, decide whether to do the wedding preparations yourself or book a wedding planner.
  2. Decide on the date of the wedding.
  3. Be sure to make a budget for how much to spend on the wedding. Make all the arrangements according to the budget.
  4. If you are planning for a court marriage, then put the application in the registrar’s office.
  5. Get the venue booked for engagement, wedding and reception.
  6. If you want to get married through Wedding Planner, then search the list of all the planners of the city on the Internet or take the help of your friends and relatives.
  7. If you want to keep a theme in the wedding, then plan it and prepare it.
  8. Keep a list of Caterers, DJs, Bands, Photographers, Videographers, and Florists ready with you. Start a conversation with them.
  9. If you are going abroad after marriage, then apply for a new passport. 10. Start doing market surveys for wedding outfits.
  10. Decide on the honeymoon destination, so that you can book it at your convenience.
  11. Prepare a list of gifts to be given to guests and relatives and start shopping according to the budget.
  12. Apart from bridal wear, shop for jewellery and other accessories.
  13. If you buy jewellery or gifts before the dedication, then the budget will be light.
  14. Prepare a guest list. Give advance notice of marriage to those coming from outside.
  15. Choose the design of the invitation cards and order the printing.
  16. Keep your receipts ready for all important bookings.
  17. Once the venue has been decided, talk to the caterer about seating arrangements and other arrangements.
  18. If you want to change the hairstyle, then do it now, so that it can be known whether it will suit you or not. Start beauty treatments at the same time.
  19. Whatever accessories are being bought with bridal wear, make sure to wear them once. Also, take help from your hairstylist and beautician.
  20. Beauticians and Mehndi people are not available at the time of Lagna, it is better to book them from this time.
  21. Make sure the guests coming from outside come. Accordingly, book a guest house, transportation or tickets etc.
  22. Start sending invitation letters to relatives, and friends living far away or abroad.
  23. If you have applied for court marriage, then go to the registrar’s office and see where the process has reached.
  24. Shop for return gifts to be given to guests.
  25. Talk about a holiday in the office.
  26. Finalize your honeymoon shopping.
  27. If any legal process like a change of name is going on or have applied for a passport, then recheck once.
  28. Keep a ‘Thank You Note’ ready with the gifts. Make copies of it by writing it by hand, then a personal touch will come.
  29. Keep essential papers, receipts and legal papers in one bag.
  30. Check the arrangement of transportation for the wedding day. If the tickets are not confirmed, then check whether they will be confirmed on time or not.
  31. If a theme has been kept for the wedding day, inform the visitors about it.
  32. Give the list of favourite songs to the DJ and do the dance rehearsals.
  33. If the wedding outfits are not ready, then definitely get them ready this month and also check their final fitting.
  34. Check wedding arrangements including caterer, florist, photographer, videographer, wedding planner, and honeymoon arrangements.
  35. Is your guest list perfect? Some people didn’t leave? Check once again. If you run out of invitation cards, inform them via mail or phone.
  36. Save all your belongings. Apart from the wedding, pack the essentials for the honeymoon.
  37. Try outfits and accessories that are worn on every occasion. Try wearing shoes, sandals or high heels to see if they are comfortable.
  38. Prepare an emergency wedding kit for the bride.
  39. If any elders or relatives of the house are looking after the marriage arrangements, then they must have all the necessary addresses, phone numbers and a list of the goods.
  40. Do not forget the neighbours on this auspicious occasion. If you can give them some responsibilities too, then the relationship will be sweet in future. Hot Tip: If the families of the bride and groom are in the same city, then have lunch or dinner together one day. In the meantime, also talk about the preparations.
  41. There will be no rest for the next few days, so try to get enough rest. Sleep early in the night, so that you can get full sleep and can perform all the morning rituals comfortably the next day.
  42. Send advance notice to the beautician so that she can reach you on time.
  43. Keep all outfits, accessories and essentials ready at a fixed place.
  44. Interact with relatives, and guests and involve them in last-minute preparations.
  45. ​​Do take some time for rest even amid busyness. If you are feeling stressed, do Pranayama. It is necessary to get enough sleep for seven to eight hours.
  46. Check your bag, purse and suitcase once to see if any essential items are missing.
  47. Be calm. Speak less and be happy.
  48. Have good fantasies about future life and new relationships, so that mental pressure can be reduced. Try to keep yourself emotionally balanced.
  49. Must also get information about the preparations of the other side.

This is the most important day of your life. Welcome new life wholeheartedly. If there is any deficiency in the system or if any work is not done according to your wish, then do not get upset. Small flaws remain in every marriage. Be happy and spend this day with close relatives, and friends in such a way that it will be remembered forever. Happy Marriage!

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